About the internet in Hungary
When you move to Hungary, then you have several options to have internet at your flat. The most common solution is the landline internet. Several companies offer their packages. The difference is in the price and the speed. Companies who offers such packages are: www.digi.hu www.flip.hu www.telekom.hu www.vodafone.hu www.znet.hu
Not all the companies are present in every household. You can check their website or as the people who live next to you.
Some landlords offers the internet. So in this case there is nothing to do with the subscription which is usually a 1 year contract. The open contracts have higher fees.
The other solution is the mobile internet. If you dont play games and watch to many videos then that can be another option. Companies who have such a servise are the followings: www.digi.hu www.telekom.hu www.vodafone.hu www.yettel.hu
Prices can change every year.